Carbon footprint at the farm
The Quebec television program La semaine verte looks at farmers who take stock of their greenhouse gas emissions and take action to reduce them. We meet Jacques Nault, our vice-president of agronomy.
The Quebec television program La semaine verte looks at farmers who take stock of their greenhouse gas emissions and take action to reduce them. We meet Jacques Nault, our vice-president of agronomy.
Rosanne Chabot, PhD, Agr, Eng, co-director of our agricultural engineering department since 2002, is the principal author of the most recent guide on subsurface drainage of agricultural land from the Quebec Reference Center for Agriculture and Agri-food (CRAAQ).
This collaboration between Ms. Chabot and the CRAAQ confirms our unparalleled expertise in the field of subsurface drainage and, more generally, in water management in agricultural areas.
A short La Terre de chez-nous article highlights the creation of our Climate Transition Department and, more importantly, how it will allow agricultural producers to create a new asset: carbon credits.
Our vice-president of agronomy Jacques Nault talks to La Vie agricole about the role agriculture can play in the fight against climate change. It’s not just about reducing greenhouse gases on the farm, but also about increasing organic carbon in the soil.
The Coopérateur magazine publishes a long article about farms that are committed to reducing greenhouse gases (GHG), such as Ferme Landrynoise. This dairy farm, one of the largest in Quebec, is working with us to reduce its GHG emissions and fight climate change.
Carbon sequestration is going to become lucrative. But to “hit the jackpot,” agricultural producers must demonstrate that their fields’ carbon content is growing, writes La Terre de chez-nous. That’s exactly what our LaserAg technology does.
Our CEO, Charles Nault, presents LaserAg Quantim, our soil analysis technology at the 2021 Quebec Grand colloque agtech.