Propel sustainable agriculture

Agro-environmental consulting services

We are recruiting Dairy farms!

Dedicated Dairy Farms is a unique program where dairy producers have the opportunity to initiate a climate transition by collaborating with agrologists, a major agri-food processor and an organization dedicated to regenerative agriculture.

This program offers dairy farms a full range of services to reduce their GHG emissions:

  • GHG inventory,
  • Soil organic carbon analysis,
  • 5-year projection including a technical-economic analysis,
  • A climate transition plan adapted to each farm,
  • Regional training and activities,
  • 50 hours of support for the implementation of practices.

Logiag is proud to announce it has won the best technology award in the “quantify” category of the Indigo Carbon Challenge.

Logiag won with its LaserAg technology and demonstrated its effectiveness and reliability as an analytical method.