Climate Transition
Climate Transition Plan
What is it?
After completing a greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory, it is in your best interest to get started on a climate transition plan. Taking into account your situation, this plan recommends cost-effective agro-environmental practices to reduce your GHG emissions and/or accumulate carbon in your soils.
We evaluate the feasibility and profitability of each recommendation according to your farming system. Depending on your needs and priorities, they could include:
What’s in it for me?
Our transition plan commits you to the fight against climate change. You benefit in many ways since you increase both the fertility of your fields and the resilience of your farm.
Your efforts will begin to pay off after three to five years. In addition to having healthier soil, you will be able to earn additional income from your efforts, you’ll benefit from a new carbon asset which can be valorized through your value chain.
Finally, the practices recommended in our transition plans are eligible for grants from the Programme services-conseils and the Prime-Vert program.
In Quebec, we are pioneers of the climate transition in agriculture.
Logiag’s advantage
We are leaders in the agro-environmental field and pioneers in Quebec in the agricultural and agri-food sectors’ climate transition. Our multidisciplinary team of agronomists, biologists and engineers will recommend practices adapted to your situation, at the best possible cost.