
Certificate of approval

What is it?

If you are setting up or expanding a livestock operation, you may be required to submit a declaration of conformity or obtain a ministerial authorization (or “certificate of approval”) from the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP).

The granting of this authorization or certificate takes into account several factors, including: your existing or planned buildings, your disposal equipment, your manure management, the number of head in your herd and the environment surrounding your livestock site.

With a certificate of approval, your operation grows in compliance with the law.

What’s in it for me?

There are many reasons why you may want to start a livestock operation, increase your livestock population or expand your animal and manure facilities: 

  • Increase the size of your business to accommodate a new generation of farmers
  • Increase your sales
  • Give more space to your animals to increase their well-being

With your certificate of authorization, you will be able to expand your business in full confidence and in compliance with MELCCFP regulations.

Finally, many of the data included in your certicate of authorization could be used, if need be, to produce a greenhouse gas inventory for your farm.

Logiag’s advantage

For five years, our agrologist Raquel Rodriguez Perez, Ph.D., dedicated herself entirely to certificates of authorization requests and declaration of conformity filings. In 2023, she passed the torch to our solid team of agrologists. Their expertise ensures that you submit a good application, which increases the chances that your request will be approved.