

What is it?

MRF+ is an in-house software entirely dedicated to biosolids and other fertilizing residuals (FR)

This software is available free of charge to organizations and companies that generate FR, and to Andana Services, our partner who works with agricultural producers and transporters.

The main quality of MRF+ is that it brings together all the information useful for FR management, including:

  • Agronomic and environmental analysis of these materials
  • All relevant information about the farm, such as farm plan, soil types and crops
  • Factors that affect the application of FR, such as proximity to roads, wells, wetlands or homes
  • Accurate road maps
  • Recommended application rates

Finally, MRF+ is compatible with our Registre+ software.

What’s in it for me?

MRF+ makes it easier for everyone who works with FR:

  • Carriers find accurate road maps that facilitate their deliveries
  • Advisors can see the biosolids application constraints in a given field
  • Agronomists can easily calculate the maximum rate of FR to apply
  • Etc. 

Logiag’s advantage

We are the only consulting firm in Quebec that has software entirely dedicated to the agricultural use of FR.

Moreover, we have an IT team that continuously improves our software. MRF+ is regularly optimized to meet the needs of our team and our partners as well as changes in legislation.