Rosanne Chabot, agr., eng. , PhD
Rosanne has a bachelor’s degree in Rural Engineering from Laval University (1995) and a post-graduate diploma (DEA) on the physical, chemical and biological functioning of the continental biosphere from the Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie (Paris VI), the Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon and the Centre national du machinisme agricole du génie rural, des eaux et des forêts.
Rosanne has also completed a PhD on the influence of root sampling on the hydraulic functioning of drainage, the experimental part of which was carried out in Morocco.
During her first stint at Logiag, in 2002, Rosanne worked on AEFP and applications for certificates of authorization, supervised the MRF department and managed pig integrators files. After four years with Engineers without borders Canada, she returned to Logiag in 2012 as co-director of the agricultural engineering department.