
How the technology works

The LaserAg process starts with the collection of geolocated samples with a Wintex 2000 machine. Once they are prepared, the samples are placed on the carousel that’ll be inserted in LaserAg Quantum machine.

The LaserAgTM process can be summarized in four steps, using soil sample analyses as an example.

First, the samples are collected in the field and placed in a container bearing a QR code. The QR code is scanned in the field, by the LaserAg Sampler mobile app so the sample can be geolocated and identified once it reaches the lab.

Second, soil samples are sent to a lab equipped with both a LaserAg Press and a LaserAg Quantum machine, where they are dried. We recommend a 24-hour drying period at 37°C to ensure a near-null percentage of moisture.

Third, once dried, the samples are grinded, placed in a cup, and pressed using the LaserAg Press, to transform them into a stable rock-like surface.

Finally, the samples are analyzed. The cups are installed on a carousel which is placed in the LaserAg Quantum machine. Up to 14 samples can be analyzed at once, and the process takes less than 20 minutes. When the analysis is complete, the sample cups can be removed from the carrousel and stored or emptied and reused or recycled.

The LaserAg Press.

What’s in it for me?

The LaserAg process has many advantages:

  • It analyzes several parameters simultaneously, including climate package parameters (soil organic carbon, organic matter, pH and buffer pH).
  • It is faster than other methods. Thanks to its fluidity and user-friendly design, sampling and sample preparation, the full analysis process can be completed in 48 hours.
  • It requires very little sample manipulation, which reduces the risk of human error.
  • It produces no chemicals and no by-products, leaving behind only the recyclable cup and a small amount of soil, forage, or plant tissue.
  • Its’ operating costs are much lower than traditional chemical methods.
Our in-house LaserAg laboratory.

Logiag’s advantage

LaserAg is a unique technology, developped by Logiag over a 10-year period.

Logiag employs a strong R&D team dedicated to the ongoing development of the LaserAg technology. Our developers, engineers, LIBS specialists, and laboratory technicians know it inside out, and can help you use it in the field or in the office.

In 2024, this technology was the subject of an article in the scientific journal Scientific reports, part of the Nature portfolio.

In 2023, the LaserAg results were validated by Eurofins EnvironeX, Quebec’s leading analytical laboratory in the environmental, agrifood and pharmaceutical health fields.

In 2023, this technology was also recognized as a valid method for measuring carbon in Quebec’s Regulation respecting afforestation and reforestation projects eligible for the issuance of offset credits on privately-owned land.

Finally, in 2021, LaserAg was awarded the “Quantify” prize by the Indigo Carbon Challenge for being the most reliable for soil organic carbon measurement.